Chapter Information
Illinois Chapter (est. 2001)
Represents Case Management nurse and social work professionals who reside or work in Illinois.
Yearly Chapter Dues: None
2018 / 2022 CHAPTER OF MERIT
The Chapter of Excellence and Chapter of Merit program defines outstanding chapter performance by outlining the standards of practice for optimal chapter operation. Chapters achieve these awards by demonstrating performance in the key areas of chapter operations and attaining specific growth and development benchmarks.
Annual Meeting
Join us for the 25th Annual ACMA Illinois Chapter Conference on September 27, 2025 held at the Sheraton Lisle/Naperville!
Watch this site for registration information-coming soon!
The event will be an opportunity to share knowledge and learn with case management and transitions of care professionals in health care. Take advantage of this unique professional development event right in our backyard and improve patient outcomes.
If you would like to be added to our email list for information on this event, please complete this form.
If you are interested in presenting at a future conference, please submit your presentation here.
ACMA Illinois Chapter Spring Conference: Migrant Support and Regulatory Update
Please join us on Saturday, March 1, for a half day conference! (conference now conculded)
Migrant Support and Regulatory Update
Location: Advocate Christ Conference Center
93rd St and Kilbourn Ave, Oak Lawn IL
7 am - 8 am Breakfast, registration, networking
8 am - 8:10 am Welcome and remarks
8:10 am - 9:40 am Understanding Immigration Documents presented by Daniela Clucas-Velez, JD
9:40 am - 10:00 am Break, networking
10:00 am - 11:00 am Panel Discussion on SDOH and Migrant Health Issues
11:00 am - 12:00 pm 2025 Regulatory Update presented by Dr. Ronald
12:00 - 12:05 pm Wrap up and Dismissal
3.5 CE's for nurses, social workers, and case managers including ONE ETHICS CE!
Register here:
Please join us for breakfast and networking. Thanks to our sponsors!

This was a very successful conference! Said one attendee:
"I learned more in those 4 hours than I did researching on my own in weeks. I really enjoyed it. This is my 2nd ACMA Conference and I have always took away something important. Thanks!"