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Advanced Simulation for Value-Based Results

Develop Your Team, Transform Your Outcomes.

ACMA leads the practice by introducing Advanced Care Transitions Simulation (ACTS). This simulation program will transform orientation and professional development for your case management team.

ACTS is focused on improving care transitions through assessment, communication, planning and collaboration. It leverages unique, team-based simulations of patient scenarios and enhances care coordination and critical thinking.

The results? They are transformative!

ACTS Key Features

Transition from ED to SNF, Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) emphasis
Virtual simulation adaptations and discussion guides included in all simulation activities
Transitions of Care Standards incorporated throughout all simulations
ACO/Bundled Payments for Care – transitional care management from PCP to home health
Elder abuse in emergency departments
Delivering the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice (MOON)
Stroke admission and skilled nursing facility transfer
Advance care planning videos in both ambulatory and acute care settings
Improve individual and team communication, planning and collaboration.
Develop new case managers’ solid case assessment and care transitions skills.
Support preceptors and challenge experienced case managers.
Updated user guides to reflect ACTS best practices
Improve communication and relationships with post-acute partners—such as Home Health and Skilled Nursing—as well as ambulatory, disease management and others.
Identify gaps and opportunities in post-acute transitions.
Demonstrate opportunities to connect the dots across the care continuum with longitudinal care plans.
Advance from an episodic focus to an enterprise, longitudinal case management view.

What's New in 2023

New scenario: Infant relinquishment:
  • Interprofessional collaboration with Care Management and Emergency Department
  • Infant transfer, with option to include ethical and implicit bias dilemma
New scenario: Telephonic encounter
  • High risk psychosocial assessment in the hospital
  • Transitional planning assessment in the home
Revised training video: Best Practices for Delivering Simulation
Platform updates and additional resources for virtual simulation, motivational interviewing, teach back, and more!

How It Works

Designed for both new and experienced case managers, you can experience live scenarios with patient assessments in both acute and post-acute care settings, collaborate in teams and submit findings for evaluation and feedback. In addition to direct participant feedback by onsite facilitators, we will provide individual and aggregate analysis to your organization for follow-up opportunities.

ACTS uniquely blends an online educator and trainee platform with multiple delivery method options, including simulation and video format, to fit your case management and transitions of care services.

Read more about the mission and goals of the Advanced Care Transitions Simulation program and how you can apply it to your setting by clicking below.

Learn More ACTS FAQs

What Our Clients are Saying

“I thought the ACTS training overall was helpful in reminding me to be present and to be able to see how my encounters are perceived from patients/family members”

“The program was very helpful and insightful. I would recommend this to be part of the onboarding orientation activities for new hires CM.”

“I believe the exercise overall was helpful in having me rethink the way I communicate with patients. Having scenarios and getting feedbacks from the actors made see things on the patient's side. Good communication is one of the most important in getting good patient outcomes.”

“ACTS allows our organization to provide a safe learning environment promoting the importance of quality care transitions.”

“The ACTS program was very helpful in reminding me to be present for the patient and family. The debriefing helped me see things from their perspective.”

“As a new hire, I found this program to be extremely valuable and will help my practice improve!”

“As a seasoned case manager, after attending the SIM Lab I felt inspired, re-energized, focused and motivated to serve our patients.”
American Case Management Association
17200 Chenal Parkway Ste 300 #345
Little Rock, AR 72223
Phone: 501-907-ACMA (2262)
Fax: 501-227-4247